Thomas I've noticed that you have included a homebase for Zarra.
But haven't uploaded any maps yet? I found a geographic location for Tazskans home base in our campaign.
That is one of the reasons I kept pushing us to keep going after the thing. I didn't want us to linger too long. Now we'll have to start scouting the rest of the castle, and see if the dragon has flown the coop. I will let others post first.
I don't suppose we can check the rest of the castle first. Before attempting to take on a white dragon?
I know some of you experienced ones have already taken on a dragon.
But can we attack from different areas, and not in an area where it can fly??
Cratol is interested in making sure the castle is clear. He does not want to take on a dragon until we have a firm hold on this castle. He also wants to get that coffin and dump it off the castle too just in case there is a chance of the vampire coming back how ever small.
Lots of little things to cover during and after this rest. Sorry for the long post. Hopefully we can come up with a plan without too much trouble. I hate having to keep leaving characters and thus players behind to sit in a room.
Too bad, I was hoping Shield was a Paladin spell so I could swap and get it back again. I'm surprised it isn't. I think I could make better use of it now. Oh well, at least I can get it via Sorcerer, although if my next few levels are all Paladin perhaps swapping any sorcerer spells is now allowed if strictly following the rules? That would be too bad. :(.