Anron, please pay attention. Yes you need three of a kind, but the second roll wouldn't be happening until your turn next round.
But that's irrelevant because any amount of healing is enough to bring you back from the brink of death, ending the need for death saves. Anron is awake and capable of acting this round, though he doesn't have much HP to work with.
So, Dai if the ice wall is reasonably clear and characters can still see a dragon through it. Therefore can certain spells like Shatter and Sacred flame still be targeted at the Dragon, while being entombed in a wall of semi opaque ice?
Obviously, the spells being used wouldn't require a direct line of sight, pointing, or raising a hand towards the target.
I'm asking this with regards to any other character that gets entombed by a wall of ice in this manner. Not just Tazskan or Loraires, at the moment. Edited: anronrosby on 29th Dec, 2017 - 8:46am
Cinder… you did it! Velon, thanks to his Bless, can finally charge the dragon… if he so chooses… healing for Poljen would never be turned down, but a serious smite on that thing would not be a bad idea either!