Following Seaths lead here, will roll here for the night goggles. However, as the crystal ball is considered very rare. Likewise the upgrade of an extra +1 to his glammed leather(To make +2).
Then Tazskan, will need Dai's direction with regards to obtaining these items. Then roll play that in side quests also.
Anron, upgrading from +1 to +2 armor is 25,000 gold pieces. The very rare crystal ball is 25,000 gold pieces as well. Weapons and shields that are +2are rare. +2 armor is very rare.
Daishain, did you notice my question a few days ago regarding bringing the rogue vest to 5e? Would that be possible? You mentioned also about asking in regards to very rare items. Is there going to be a price drop on very rare items? No one can afford them right now. Edited: Kyrroeth on 13th Apr, 2018 - 3:40pm
Actually the crystal ball is just a 1000g, reusable spell component (Similar to the one for chromatic orb at 50g). There's no real assigned rarity to it in 5e. So just subtract the 1000 gold if the crystal ball is available in the Citadel. If it isn't available, then we can probably get one at Candlekeep for sure.
How many times do we have to… does the latter half of this group even read the rul.... Do those people read what others po.... Never mind, I give up. Those of you that refuse to read what others post or read the rules have defeated me. Why bother.
Since the upgrade to the Cloak is probably 25k, Poljen will simply upgrade the great axe and shield enchantments from +1 to +2, for 5k total, minus the 10% discount for 4500. Just in case they are needed for upgrades as well as finding a new item I will roll here. First the axe, second the shield.