All our valuables are in our own rooms but, if you wish, Lawrance and Poppo offer to put items and money into secure storage that is buried in the bones of the castle. It's protected heavily and warded against scrying, as well as inaccessible by anyone except for Poppo and Lawrance. Lawrance also has a personal stone vault in the wizard's labs that can hold small amounts. Not warded or heavily protected, however. Lastly, Poppo and Lawrance share access to a Secret Chest. Look up the spell, and there is still some space in it.
Anron, please check the description of your own spell for how long it takes to cast.
In regards to scrying on a location, I already answered in the affirmative. Make an Arcana check, at a -3 penalty (+2 for having a connected object, -5 for only having heard of the location.).
That 1k is for either the castle itself and/or to invest with more mercantile ventures. Also, I hope I don't step on anyone's toes by having Zarra hurry out. I just don't see her the type sticking around to ask questions, when she could go follow Perry and ask him directly what is going on.
I don't have a problem with Zarra running out, to check on Perry. I actually don't have a problem with, shall we say some "Shenanigans", between player's. Or with Perry's antics either. I'm afraid Tazskan, would have more in common with a Klingon's table manners, anyhow, being more beast-like.
However, we probably should all start making some headway for our next mission. Which I'm guessing is in Candlekeep.
Thomas, it isn't difficult for Zarra to follow Perry. She is a trained drow rogue and he isn't trying to be stealthy or anything. If you, or anyone else, follows him you will find him heading to his room.
Regarding moving on, I believe we are currently in two separate timelines here and this situation is taking place the night before we went looking for mercenaries in Baldur’s Gate. Velon stated on page 948 in his post, “Velon addresses the group over yet another meal in the castle after the interrogation of Varram.”
So in “the present” we (I.e. Lia, Perry, Tazskan, and Zarra) are still deciding on hiring captain Callahan as mercenary captain. Velon and Lawrance are back at the castle. Poljen and Nikolaos are off doing recon/spying. Once we decide on hiring the captain and Poljen/Niko are finished, we can head to Candlekeep.
EDIT I also don't mind taking the Perry subplot to side stories so we can all stay on the same timeline in the Main Thread. Edited: seath on 24th Apr, 2018 - 2:52pm
Seath, yes that's what I see this as happening, also. Interpersonal speedbump on the way to BG. I think we also were waiting for an answer from our contacts through the ring about if they would take the prisoners (Polmorphed small enough to fit through).
So, what have we decided to do with Callahan, and his cohorts, in "The present,"? Hire them? Or wait for Vellon, and the other's to approve or dissaprove?
We can have Lawrence, and Poppo store, the castles valuables in that storage mentioned? Edited: anronrosby on 24th Apr, 2018 - 3:21pm
I think as long as Lia approves the hiring of Captain Callahan then we should be good to go on leading him and his men to the castle and getting them all situated.
Regarding handing the prisoners over, I think that should definitely happen as well. We don't want to be responsible for holding these guys and the dragons can probably figure out how to get more info out of him for us.