Thank you for the inspiration, Seath. Daishain, if Poljen had to roll to escape the net, and did NOT get Advantage for some reason, I am rolling the Inspiration to add to that miserable 10... I believe Inspiration from him is currently d8. If he managed to NOT get caught initially, instead add it to the second attack, which was a 16 to hit. The first attack is a critical, so he gets an extra 13 points, using your rule of a [Critical Hit] doing an extra average of the dice. Since he gets an extra die for a [Critical Hit] now, that would mean 2d12 averages out to an extra 13...
Ah sorry Poljen, this is a different kind of inspiration specific to glamour bards. It gives you 8 temporary hit points and free movement as a reaction without provoking AoO. I also have an item that gives advantage on your next saving throw when I use this ability.
The net is a strength check with DC 10 if it's a normal net. You should be fine on that end.
EDIT: Also just want to laugh a bit here at Cinder with the "I hope 29 AC and a cloak that gives enemies disadv is enough" bit of his post, (Laugh). Edited: seath on 15th May, 2018 - 10:38pm
Hey Taz, you're save DC is actually 18 with your rod of the pact keeper. Also you just used one of my favorite spells ever.
I feel kinda bad for these thugs now though. It's like the Avengers versus one of the gangs from the West Side Story. Edited: seath on 16th May, 2018 - 2:47am
Ha, nice, just saw the 1. So I guess his spell will strongly persuade our foes to pick new targets, but his words will not. We'll see what Daishain comes up with and then maybe something funny with come from the 1. I guess with them being forced to change targets they could go from Poljen to Cratol or vice versa instead of Velon, but they'd probably have to make another Wisdom save. I guess they could go back and forth until they pass a save, but I doubt our Dungeon Master will use that loophole.
Does this mean that everyone is in the combat, with Taz able to cast spells into the fray? Maybe my phone isn't showing me Dai's responses telling us we're all there. Should I post a move for Lawrance into Combat or not?
Somehow Tax scryed, went invis, moved and got there in the first round of battle. Seems legit. :D if I don't hear otherwise, I'm going to bring Lawrance in on round two. Edited: Gknightbc on 16th May, 2018 - 4:25am
Well that's nice to hear Seath, Taz has a DC of 18, can you remind me how to come up with figure please.
I may have got an erroneous info online about it that's all.
I hope, Lawrence, and or Zarra can enter the fray. Who ever was scrying with me, was made invisible!
I don't want to go on a rampage, here we all may need urgent extraction, if it gets out of hand?