Out of Character: Oh I am having a blast as this a game and I enjoy it. I guess you just do not get Cratol at all and the main reason why he is a quiet person. He has gotten more quiet due to recent things that have happened. So yes his age does make a difference in this due to his upbringing and his recent involvements during the game play. If I failed to make a few Out of Character: remarks about his Ki strikes then I goofed up. No worries however as He knows exactly what he is doing and where he is going in his life.
I said his age didn’t matter with regard to describing his melee strikes. His age or temperament doesn’t prevent you from telling us if he’s dodging, punching, kicking, etc. Don’t twist my words.
So what is Cratol contributing to the campaign? What should motivate the rest of the players to role play with him? Having a character where everything is internal and a secret doesn’t engage the rest of the players so it doesn’t matter to the rest of us if he knows where he’s going. I can’t imagine how you could possible argue that Cratol has given us any reason to role play with him beyond a few attack rolls. It’s not up to us to make your character interesting and involved. It’s up to you to make sure he’s involved. This all started in the last few days because you started getting mad that we weren’t involving Cratol. RIDICILOUS! It’s the other way around. You aren’t getting your character involved. Don’t create a character where all of the work is on the other players! Absurd!
Thomas, how would that not make him an enemy? We aren't saying he is an enemy now. If.... He takes the sky castie with most of our supplies and leaves us far from help while dealing with an adult dragon he would certainly be an enemy. We have no mounts and no supplies for more than a day or two. That would be the act of a traitor to our cause.
KN, no one has really interacted with Cratol but he isn't giving us anything to work with. He always stays by himself and never joins us on anything anymore. I welcome roleplaying with him but he needs to do something to invite it. Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Jun, 2018 - 5:52pm
That's not what anyone here wants Kn. If you aren't satisfied with the character or how things are going with him, and want him to leave, okay.
We would prefer it if we found a way to work things out however. You keep actively preventing any chance for other characters to include Cratol in things, so I'm not sure why you're surprised he's not included in much.
Daishain, I’m curious about these runes holding the water in some way. What exactly are they preventing? Would the cavern flood otherwise as the pool is at a lower point and the water pressure would raise the water level otherwise?
I wonder if disturbing the runes and flooding the cavern would force at least some of the enemies out to fight on our terms. Not quite sure though, pending the answer to ththe above.
Messing with the runes would cause flooding, but the cave moves up from that point. It is difficult to say for certain, but chances are while you'd ruin the sleeping quarters of many, the main chambers would remain dry. Those in the flooding rooms would likely retreat there.
Well is Cratol taking the castle away, indefinitely, or is it temporary? This is a new development, that could have consequences.
I get it, that Cratol is quiet, and reflective, monk type. Strange there is a little more than a subtle hint, of some mistrust some have of Elves. Even with some other party member's (Tazskan excluded here!).
But having secret plan's in motion? And out of the castle, gone soon? Even more perplexing than the former.
On a different note, Dai with regards to swimming, either under, or in water, can Tazskan use his Athletics (Strength) skill, for this?? Edited: anronrosby on 3rd Jun, 2018 - 2:47pm