If we can actually get in unnoticed by the hawk, I say we leave it alone. Then maybe we can get through some traps and a few guards before the balloon goes up. Kind of like we did with taking the castle. Even if we use Trammet the eagle to take out the hawk, and they enemy figure it is just nature having its way, they will at least be curious.
Not sure what I can add or offer, though I admit it has actually been awhile since I've updated my spell list and studied for new spells. Perhaps the Dungeon Master might allow a one time change of at least a few spells?
Then I will just need to remember to keep track of Zarra's spells in the future better for next time. I do feel a bit guilty in not making use of her magic very often, almost making it pointless that I chose the Arcane Trickster roguish archetype.
If required, I can assist with casting a wall of light, over same area?
It blocks line of sight in addition to doing 4D8 radiant damage, with a failed CON saving throw.
It won't prevent something from passing through it, though. Plus Tazskan would need to concentrate.
Tazskan, in the meantime, is waiting inside the tiny hut, invisible from the outside, and able to breathe underwater if area gets flooded.
So, whats the plan? Wait for the hostiles to come running out like ants, then attack? I won't use the wall of light spell, until I get a consensus though.
Should we work with Teamwork rules, guaranteeing advantage on rolls for whoever is leading the effort or us all roll seperate? Since if two or more characters are working together to attempt a task, the one leading the effort is granted advantage on his/her check.
Zarra could lead the effort, mattering who has the higher Perception or means of disabling traps. Though we could definitely discuss the details here, if those have a better idea of how to handle the rolls.
I suspect that my drow will have the best chance of disabling any traps, at a +6 bonus (+3 proficiency bonus through Thieves' Tools and +3 ability modifer), though it's possible her companions may be a better pick at leading the Perception. Zarra only has proficiency in the skill and a +1 Wisdom bonus. Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Jun, 2018 - 12:03am