Oh bugger, I guess Tazskan is now trying to propel himself fast out of the room.
I take it, that he cannot do anything else, no action or reaction of any kind for this turn?
Anton, fear effects mean you can't get closer until you make your save. You can still attack and do stuff. Especially against the Prince. Your attack rolls and such are at disadvantage. Unless the faerie fire is still up, then it becomes a straight roll vs the dragon.
Edited: Gknightbc on 25th Jul, 2018 - 3:59am
Making my fear save here so I can represent Perry's mental state accurately in my post. Don't forget Velon, Morgaine, and Lia (Poljen already passed) that you all get advantage on this Wisdom save for the fear, unless you already used it on the wing attack.
I totally forgot the Advantage on the Dexterity Save from Perry. I will roll it here, but even if he falls down, he has just enough movement to reach the dragon. If he passes the Dexterity Save, he could actually target the prince instead. But the dragon is his assignment still as far as he knows…
Just an For your information- I didn't bother rolling four concentration attempts for keeping the tentacles up, so they aren't. As well I'm out of range now, too. This is the first time Lawrance has taken ANY damage in this game. Temp HP notwithstanding. :D.
Daishain, just want to confirm for the sake of checking off my spell slots. Velon got his two hits and two smites in last round, correct? It sounds like she took off at the end of the round after the tail swipe at the end of Poljen's turn, so I think we all got our hits in.
How is she looking? Any noticeable wounds or otherwise?