Oh, yes your right resistance against poison. I think Poljen might be able to make, stronger armor from the dragon scales, also.
We just might need to take it out of here in a bag of holding?
There were two things that made this encounter much less difficult than it could have been. The cube of force waa useful as someone else said in blocking out the trolls. It gave Lawrance time to take them out. The potions of poison resistance were crucial as well. That saved a huge amount of damage. Most of the party would have dropped at least once without those potions.
Take away those two things and things are much different. If the trolls could have joined the battle.... We would have faced a green dragoness, a bladesinger, a gholem and four trolls at once. Then with us taking full damage from the breath weapon… We could have easily lost that battle. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Aug, 2018 - 1:40am
Yep… though I still think with how we had caught them unprepared when we fist took the mask, we would have still beat them. All the trolls and kobolds were gone, and seriously, the prince had blown a ton of powerful spells on Poljen. The big lug had plenty of hit points left… but at least we won the day!
I'm sorry I missed the final blows, but you didn't need Lawrance's minimal damage, obviously! Fun battle, and Lawrance's first to die and take damage in *smile*
Don't forget - those were exploding Trolls!
Dai, I'll go through the Dragon mag and other sources, but is there anything wizard-oriented that comes to mind. A wizard's staff made of her bone, for example? I might try to home brew something, otherwise.
I'm surprised no one wanted to discuss keeping her alive. Lia would have wanted her dead. With her pleading for her life at the end… If only there was some way to ensure that she would be forced to serve us. We could have had an adult green dragon to fly around on and use as a weapon. Maybe our servant of Bahamat can convince a metallic dragon to join our cause *smile*. Hopefully a character will bring up the idea of taking one alive and forcing its into servitude. There has to be some way to bind them to our service. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Aug, 2018 - 9:27am
The thought of taking the dragon egg alive occurred to me.
As a way of bargaining, with Church. Might have been an attractive idea for Chuth, in prolonging her legacy.
But not to be, and now Tiamat is on the back foot.
Um, did the Dungeon Master ever say that the egg/child/hellspawn was even still alive and stable or are we just assuming it is here? Generally we wait on the Dungeon Master to confirm major plot points before Role-playing events that depend on the status of said plot points.