I appreciate that Daishain, thank you. Makes me feel a bit more guilty about what I'm about to say. I honestly have no idea what to post as I feel like we have no information. You want actions, but I have zero clue who Velon will be in range of after I roll a 1 on initiative in a minute here so I don't know if I should use fireball, firebolt, melee attacks, dash action, etc. Etc. Unfortunately I feel like this lack of information is just encouraging every single player to just blindly roll out some boring melee attacks and, if no one is in range, lose any opportunity to have used a ranged attack, dash, AoE, CC, etc. Is that all our encounter is to be? I can just give you 65 D20 attack rolls right now and take a break from the game for a week if that's basically all we're doing, blindly swinging away in case there's an enemy nearby.
On one hand, I'm tempted to write the longest post in the history of this campaign with no less than 47 if/then statements and 27 lines of rolls for various situations.
On the other hand I don't have time for that and it's more tempting to just tell you that I'm taking a break from the game for two weeks.
What I will do is roll my initiative here and maybe the mods will forget to edit my roll of 15+ and I'll go early enough to be confident that first mage is up and I'll just hit that dude with ye ol hammer. Will check back on the result of this roll before bed and see if I can come up with something. Maybe I'll just fireball some empty space if I'm low on initiative, because why not.
You rolled a 2... I'm not sure if the dice roller is mocking you by giving you a result one higher than what you called it to be or…
I am sorry to have frustrated you by being vague. To be frank, I was hoping to let the herd thin out a fair bit before trying to accurately describe exactly where everyone is. There are a lot of actors on the field at present, and their positioning is likely to get easier to describe in the next round as they react to this assault.
If it helps, I can already assure you that you'll have a valid target for whatever you have in mind this round, in spite of the low initiative. There's plenty to choose from. Edited: daishain on 14th Oct, 2018 - 11:11pm
Yeah, if you expected anything but that initiative roll you're simply not paying attention. I may not bother to roll it any more and will just take a 1. Waste of my time and yours rolling and recording it.
Ok so I guess Velon hits some [crap]… maybe the ones Perry did hold person on, at the risk of actually using any strategy or anything here.
Great Weapon Master, yada yada…
So, unless I'm mistaken Tazskan, Poljen, and Mari scored at least one hit, for team Poljen.
With Lia, giving advantage for herself, Mari and Poljen. A pity, she could, only do three, but a good round nevertheless.
Did either Poljen, Mari or Tazskan hit the mage looking character??
Dai, is it possible now to know how many cultists, there are, and location? Also their position in relation to both groups?
I do understand Cinders concern here. Hope it isn't a meltdown. Position, numbers, are useful to know. Particularly for casting certain spells. Not to mention strategic deployment, of casters, and melee characters.
Okay, the one person not in range to do her stuff would be Morgaine. Everyone else could dash to catch up to the running guys and still attack (Using a ki point in Cratol's case), or were using ranged options. Unless told otherwise, I'll go ahead and use her rolls with bowshots instead.
I'm assuming for the moment that everyone not chasing the enemies originally on the outer perimeter did move closer to the center until told otherwise. If so, they're about 140 feet from the groups in the middle, and 30 from the nearest of those running away from them.
Yeah Cratol will move as he can to a target close to where people are and not get too close to the central fight. With a movement speed of 45 now he may not need to spend a ki point to get to someone. He is looking for mage types to silent them if he can.