"Purest Corrupted Beauty" Hmm that sounds strange. If you take the words purest beauty what does that tell you? What is considered purest beauty if not a unicorn. The fact that it is something corrupted makes it seem it is a good type creature or person who has been corrupted." He looks to the fey gathered about. "What light can you shed on this puzzle?"
Mykael shifts nervously as the the unicorn makes its statement and he lets out a frustrated sigh "What does that even mean, purest corrupted beauty?" he groans irritably.
The fey gather together again, discussing among themselves. They cannot come to a single conclusion, there are too many possibilities and too many interpretations of the unicorn's words. The words she used were ambiguous too, because purity is relative and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Out of Character: I will wait for Diarmadhim to finish his training and take a break. Gives me a few more days off too.
"Purest corrupted beauty," Kyra says, wondering why that expression felt so familiar. She thought back to scrolls and books of learning that she had been taught, especially of a religious nature, as the paladin pondered if she might know anything. The young woman would also turn to Akil to see if he knew anything.
Out of Character: Perhaps a separate roll for Akil or use of Guidance from the familiar to add a bonus to Kyra's Knowledge (Religion) check? Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Mar, 2017 - 11:21am
Kyra knows no more than has been said. This talk of the godlike pantheon of Eldest is news to her. Akil has heard of them briefly, but can't contribute any more.
The unicorn is buried again and with heavy hearts you depart for the kingdom and the fey scatter into the forest, glad to leave. After an hour of travel, sunset is upon you. Because you had done most of the work while the horses rested, they're able to continue. It may be night, but your horses find their way through the dim light of the full moon filtering through the canopy.
Out of Character: Even with Guidance on both Kyra and Akil, it's far from the result necessary. I rolled a 10 for Akil -1 Intelligence +1 your ranks +1 guidance, for a total of 11.
Any rituals or markings on the burial site before you leave?
Theaton will offer a prayer to nature for it to take the body of this precious soul into its fold and purify it so that it can once again be part of nature. He will mark the site with a large rock and a few smaller ones around it.