Jesla grits her teeth. " It's all about his actions though right? I've heard that we should give demons, trolls and undead a chance to walk the path of light and be nice. If he wants to be a werewolf then that is his choice. We can help him control it and he will be judged by his actions. Are we judging lycanthropes as evil and not trolls, demons or threatening undead?"
"Everyone, everyone please" Kyra asks as she raised a hand, looking to those all there before pointing out what should have been obvious, "Before we continue, we should give him the chance to speak!" The paladin didn't want to interrupt, but she felt this was important given the direction the conversation was going.
They were going on with this discussion without him even agreeing to their help, let alone whether or not he actually wanted to be a werewolf, "Apart from his initial reaction, you have all been talking so much that he has not had the chance to tell us what he wants." Kyra hadn't at first said anything, but the discussion had gone a bit too far already and she does not want to see it dissolve into argument. Edited: Thomaslee on 15th May, 2017 - 1:02pm
Kundal says, "The nightmares only happened since I was bitten. I thought It had been a normal wolf, but no. They are getting worse, more vivid, more painful. I do not want to cause your town any problems at all."
His tone turns angry and stoic, "Remove the curse, that's the only way. I am strong enough to do it without magic. Give me the poison!"
About the same time, Kresnik is informed that indeed the Belladonna extract is ready. His assistants hand to him a thin 1 ounce vial with a black liquid sloshing inside. They've only got one dose now, but three more should be ready tomorrow.
I'll take Knowledge (Nobility, local, or religion) to locate a high level priest if you still need one.
While Kresnik gets ready to give Kundal the poison Theaton pulls Jesla to the side. "This will not reflect on your character at all. You have done well for us and the kingdom and you will continue to preform admirably. I would not let a small thing as this ruin your job. If all goes well he will still be to help you train."
Jesla listens as he speaks. " Thank you my lord. I had no idea that he was a lycanthrope. I wasn't hiding anything about him. He is a good man and was helping me become stronger. Hopefully we can help him overcome this without killing him. "
"Yes that is what I wish and what he wishes. Once this ordeal is past we will have to find out where he was bitten so we can deal with the source if it has not already been dealt with. I know I have had a hand in killing two werewolves already. So it sounds like there is a source somewhere around here."
Kresnik blinks in confusion, "Why would Jesla's position be harmed by this? Even Kundal didn't know. Speaking of whom, let us get this over with."
Walking over to the Kellid, Kresnik hands him the small vial, "Good luck Kundal, hopefully it is not too unpleasant."
Mykael has been standing aside watching and listening to the others talk but saying nothing. Occasionally he tugs at his armor nervously. He watches the Kellid man with respect as the man declares his intent to help by risking his own life taking poison in an attempt to mitigate the curse that he has been stricken with.