Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 38 of 54

Stepping up to Velon at a pause in the moving - Page 38 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 19th Feb, 2018 - 11:18pm

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Post Date: 16th Feb, 2018 - 10:32pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 38

Perry attempts to take in the immense Wisdom that Sir Velon has given him. “Hmm okay ‘strike’ you said, and it uses sound like ‘thunder’…” Perry reflects upon this for a time. “Okay! Let’s try it!” Perry says excitedly. Then, he focuses on his rapier and recalls the sound he heard when Velon fought previously in battle. He recalls the hum that came from the warhammer just before striking.

Then, his eyes change in color from gold to black as he says something in a language foreign to Velon, “Rassna.” Suddenly, dark energy swirls around the blade, lashing out in several directions before settling steady on the blade and producing a low hum.

Perry’s eyes change back to normal and the humming stops. “Was that it? It looked like the right thing right!?”

Out of Character: I’m now picturing Velon as Ser Davos Seaworth from GoT.

Attached Image Edited: seath on 16th Feb, 2018 - 10:33pm

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Post Date: 16th Feb, 2018 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

Velon hides his feelings of confusion and a tinge of horror as Perry's eyes change to black.

"Ha, well done my friend! Well done indeed! You know, Tazskan does some good work with his blasts of, ah, some kind of weird energy… stuff, but this could be handy when things get dicey too. You should teach him now!"

Rather off topic, but...
Velon is definitely Tormund, although slightly less wild, but definitely in looks. Ser Davos is way too smart, but maybe for this one scene I'll take it!

Attached Image Edited: Cinder on 16th Feb, 2018 - 10:42pm

18th Feb, 2018 - 2:07am / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
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Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Protector. says...

During Perry's going over the contract in front of the Devils. Tazskan, finds a quiet opportunistic moment to get Velon aside, at the far corner, form prying eyes, as possible.

"Velon, I'm not happy with this, how do we know that the devils are not working for Varram himself, the actual stupid summoner, may be innocent,"? He says in a whisper.

"Are we, therefore free to go past them, now that Perry has signed the contract,"? He adds, whispering.

"We don't even know of the summoners whereabouts, and what about the magical sphere,"? He again adds, whispering.

Out of Character: Will speak in draconic, to Velon. Dai, you can take this as Tazskans next action, as he doesn't want to directly engage the devils himself. He is just watching them wearily, and uneasily, so to speak. But not showing any overt hostile action of any kind whatsoever.

Post Date: 19th Feb, 2018 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Page 38 Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

"I know, Taz, I'm not too comfortable with this either. Every word has to be analyzed to avoid being tricked, and even then I'm sure they will find a loophole. I imagine it will come down to us simply having to kill these devils, but I do hope to get some useful information from them first. I absolutely will not kill an innocent person just to fulfill this deal. Yes, I think once it is signed and we get some information we simply move on from this room and go about our usual business."

19th Feb, 2018 - 6:16am / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
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Stories Side Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Protector. says...

"Sounds like a Plan, Velon," answers Tazskan in a whisper. Giving him a polite nod of approval.

Post Date: 19th Feb, 2018 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories

“And what of your Oath, mighty Tazskan? I do not believe this violates mine. We have yet to perform any truly evil act nor have any innocents been hurt. This divination wizard sounds far from innocent to me with his summoning of devils and attempts at cheating death.”.

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19th Feb, 2018 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
Dragonborn Lvl 10 Warl...
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Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories - Page 38

The Protector. says...

Tazskan, responds to Velon, after catching the Devil's response to Zarra.

"This divination wizard, sounds like he is neither hot or cold. He must be weak minded indeed. Resorting to communion with devils," he whisper's to Velon.

"You are correct, my oath wouldn't forbid me, from being a harbinger of light in this instance," Tazskan adds, as he runs his finger down the edge of his blade, again whispering.

Attached Image Edited: anronrosby on 19th Feb, 2018 - 2:25pm

Post Date: 19th Feb, 2018 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 38

Stepping up to Velon at a pause in the moving through the underground lair, Lawrance apologizes to him "Velon, I'm sorry for being so..distracted, lately. I seem to have tapped into a wealth of knowledge that at times has become overwhelming. My head seems filled with details of past events, almost a constant stream triggered by a sight, a name, and phrase that impels me to pass knowledge on. I think, although I have no proof as yet, that I may have been gifted by Oghma, and I've no idea why. This knowledge stream has not been too disruptive, but I have found myself focusing more on the history over actually using my magic. I hope to get it under control soon."

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