Still Want To Eat Meat? Meat Eating Risks

Still Eat Meat Meat Eating Risks - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 25th Apr, 2010 - 8:59pm

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Posts: 163 - Views: 12166
Video Available Video - WARNING - contains graphic content - This Thread does not only deal with the abuse animals go through so that you can have your steak or drumstick, but this Thread also deals with the risks of eating meat: the spreading of disease and major health concerns. Being vegeterian /vegan.
19th Apr, 2010 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

Still Want To Eat Meat? Meat Eating Risks

Still Want To Eat Meat?

What do you think about the following video?

WARNING: May not suitable for all viewers

Video Updated: 7th May, 2013

Related: JB's story: The myth that is meat.

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19th Apr, 2010 - 1:08am / Post ID: #

Risks Eating Meat Meat Eat Want Still

Sadly many do not want to know this information and purposefully avoid it. So that they do not have to make a choice, "ignorance is bliss".

I already knowing this and still eat meat. It has been so ingrained in my lifestyle that I still eat meat. I do not know why I just know I always have. So it is not so easy to just stop, for some reason.

People would have to see this video every time they sit down to a meat meal for it to really have an impact. We as humans have a astounding ability to disassociate ourselves with things.

I am trying to be more aware of this horrible atrocity of a problem. However it is slow going for me. I still love a double cheese burger from Mc Donalds. I still take the quick easy meal hand fed to me by corporations.

I think the major problem with this is that people have to actually make an effort to change themselves. Which in my experience most people avoid in any form like the plague.

19th Apr, 2010 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Still Want To Eat Meat? Meat Eating Risks Health & Special Psychology

Good points Oliron and that is probably the major reason they do not stop. Related videos to this that everyone should be aware of are:

* Meatrix Part 1: Source 3
* Meatrix Part 2: Source 4
* FDA Approval Of Franken Foods: Source 8
* What Kind Of Parent Feeds Their Kids Poison? Source 4
* Fat People Blame It On MSG Source 6
* Heinous Crimes To Wildlife Source 7

19th Apr, 2010 - 9:20am / Post ID: #

Risks Eating Meat Meat Eat Want Still

I have seen videos like this and ones where they beat and skin dogs before they process them for food in asian countries. What is in these videos is bad and no one that I know of from westernized countries would want this to happen to any animals. However, if the idea of the video is to convert us to vegetarians, then they probably missed the point a bit. Not all animals are killed in the fashion that was shown in the videos...those are gross negligent demonstrations. If every animal was killed in such a fashion as these, then there would be massive movements to stop eating meat in westernized countries. The fact is an animal does die for our dinner if we are eating meat or pultry.

I like the taste of meat (chicken, beef, pigs and lamb). I do think that we eat entirely too much meat and have actually cut back quite a bit, but am not interested in going totally vegetarian. A Korean diet has little meat, but it does have some. What I can say is that if I hear of a company that has been found to be doing practices such as this, I have stopped buying their brand. I will continue that practice.

Post Date: 20th Apr, 2010 - 1:17am / Post ID: #

Risks Eating Meat Meat Eat Want Still

Name: Lace

Comments: How can you watch this and still want to eat meat? I don't agree that this doesn't happen often. Have you ever seen the documentary Food Inc.? If you saw that it will show you how right here in America are basically raising chickens under the most awful conditions and then selling them to you for consumption. Why even put a corpse in your mouth.

20th Apr, 2010 - 1:54am / Post ID: #

Still Want To Eat Meat? Meat Eating Risks

I do not doubt it happens. I will also say that documentaries are meant to stir you for the most part. Show animals, en masse, dying quickly and it wont keep you glued to the screen. Show them being mistreated and people remember the name of the movie and can graphically tell you about the mistreatment in great detail. So, I do not believe that this happens as often as our documentaries and activist would have us believe.

I also have no problems with the department of agriculture doing surprise inspections/investigations of slaughter houses.

I am happy that those that have elected to take the path of vegetarianism are happy with their choice. However, I do not believe that it places you on a more enlightened or just path than those that eat meat.

I do not put corpses into my mouth. I eat meat...big difference.

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25th Apr, 2010 - 8:51pm / Post ID: #

Still Want Eat Meat Meat Eating Risks

I'm one of those don't want to know don't tell types. I hate to believe I'm eating an animal that was mistreated but like someone said I think these are certain places and cases and not all meat is processed like that so I count on that.

25th Apr, 2010 - 8:59pm / Post ID: #

Still Want Eat Meat Meat Eating Risks Psychology Special & Health

From what I understand the meat industry is controlled by about 5 corporations. This kind of process has been fine tuned over many years to ensure max profits. You can be sure these techniques are being used at more than just a handful of facilities, anything else is just wishful thinking.

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