
Baron Theatons Home

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PBP Character Created:
16th Apr, 2015 - 3:10am

Last Updated:
3rd Apr, 2017 - 10:32pm

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Character ID: 41

Character's Game Master:

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Character Avatar

Familiar / SideKick
More info
Symbol / Sign:
Character Name:

Character Title:

Character Class:
Ranger Level 7

Character Status:


Character Alignment:

Marching Position:

Rival: ?

The Foe of Theaton
Guardian: ?

The Wolf Keeps

Character Body
Base Theme / Style
Character Combat Info
Hit Points: 57 Currently at: 57
AC [16] = 10 +4 [Chain Shirt] +1 [MWLight Steel Shield] +1 [[Dexterity]]
Touch AC [11] Flat-Footed [15]
Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Fortitude +7; Reflex +6; Will +5 base +5/+5+2
Character Description
Age 23
Looks Blonde hair, Blue eyes
Height/Weight 5' 6" Tall, 145 lbs. (Medium)
Character History
Came into this word a wee little one and grew to be a talented individual in the arts.
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
First level spell per day: 2 (1 base +1 bonus)
Second level spell per day: 1 (0 base +1 Bonus)
Character Notes*
Wolf Guardian Shields: The inner thougts of Theaton are protected.

* Protected by Guardian
Deity / Allegiance / Cult
Familiar / Side Kick / Craft
Size Medium; HP: 26 Speed 50 ft.; AC: 18 +4 natural armor,+3 Dex, +1 dodge; Attack bite (1d6 +3 plus trip); Ability Scores Str 15 +2, Dex 16 + 3, Con 15 +2, Int 2, Wis 12 +1, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. HD 4 BAB: +3 Fort: +6(con) Ref: +7(dex) Will: +2(wis) Skills: 4 (Jump: 1, Track: 1, Survival: 1) Feats: 2 (Dodge, Mobility) Natural armor bonus: +2 Str/Dex bonus: +1 Bonus tricks: 2 Special: Link/share spells, evasion Tricks known: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Seek, Track
Character Equipment
Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
MW Long Sword +1 19-20X2
Type range ammo damage
Martial melee none 1d6 s 1d8 m

Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
MW Long Bow +1 +2 strength dam. X3
Type Range Ammo Damage
Martial 100 ft arrows(40) 1d6 s 1d8 m

Trail rations 14 days
50' rope
Quiver for arrows 2 score cap.
Boots of elvinkind
Acid 2
Antitoxin 1
Potion Cure Light Wounds 6
Oil Obscuring Mist 1
Potion Endure Elements 1
Potion Invisibility 1
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds 5
Arrows +1 Animal Bane 6
Cold Iron Arrows 4
Silver Arrows 10
Trade CREDIT 80
Magic Mushrooms 2
Tatzlwyrm Poison Gas Sac 1
Jade statue of elf maiden (85gp)
Belt of mighty constitution +2
Character Storage
Gold: 911.9 Silver: 9

Experience: 23,001 of 34,000 for 8th
Game Master Notes*
Wolf Guardian Protects: The secrets dispensed by ICon are protected from prying eyes.

Last nag (warning): 29th Apr, 2016 - 4:40pm

* Protected by Guardian
Character Item Location
Available Gems ?

Third Gem Activated. Lucky sniper shot. One time only during any battle you are able to immediately kill any creature with a missile weapon providing that such a creature is capable of death by the full damage x2 (plus your bonuses) of such a missile weapon, if not only the full damage x2 (plus your bonuses) is applied.

Second Gem Activated. +1 to any one Skill or Feat you now possess. You are the kind of person that adapts skills / feats to your own abilities to accentuate it.

First Gem Activated. You have an admirer at your current location that is partial to helping you within their ability to do so.
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Rapid Shot
Precise Shot
Shield Proficiency
Shot on the run
Simple Weapon Proficiency

Ranger abilities:
Combat style: Archery: 1st Rapid shot, 2nd Many shot
Wild Empathy
2 Favored Enemies: humanoid-gobliniod, humanoid-reptilian
1 Favored terrain: Forest
Hunters Bond
Woodland Stride

SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Climb*+8 = [Strength] 1+4+3
Diplomacy+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Handle Animal" +2 = [Charisma] 0+2+0
Heal+6 = [Wisdom] 2+1+3
K (Dungeoneering)" +9 = INT 0+6+3
K (Nature)" +10 = INT 0+7+3
Perception+10 = [Wisdom] 3+5+0+2 [half-elf]
Profession" +4 = [Wisdom] 3+1+0
Ride+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Sense Motive+4 = [Wisdom] 3+0+1
Stealth*+9 = [Dexterity] 1+4+3
Survival+16 = [Wisdom] 3+7+3+3
Swim*+7 = [Strength] 1+3+3
Use Magic Device" +0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
* Armor Check Penalty -3
" Trained Only



The PvP Elitist











Art of War


Lover or Fighter?

The ROK II Player to Player interface allows your Character to make secret meetings with other Characters to create alliances or establish secret relationships. The option to reward each other in certain areas is offered: Devious, Sensual, Romantic, Friendship, Chivalry and the Art of War.


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