Character Combat Info
Hit Points: 57 Currently at: 57
AC [16] = 10 +4 [Chain Shirt] +1 [MWLight Steel Shield] +1 [[Dexterity]]
Touch AC [11] Flat-Footed [15]
Base Attack Bonus +7/+2
Fortitude +7; Reflex +6; Will +5 base +5/+5+2
Character Description
Age 23
Looks Blonde hair, Blue eyes
Height/Weight 5' 6" Tall, 145 lbs. (Medium)
Character History
Came into this word a wee little one and grew to be a talented individual in the arts.
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
First level spell per day: 2 (1 base +1 bonus)
Second level spell per day: 1 (0 base +1 Bonus)
Character Notes*
Wolf Guardian Shields: The inner thougts of Theaton are protected.
* Protected by Guardian
Familiar / Side Kick / Craft
Size Medium; HP: 26 Speed 50 ft.; AC: 18 +4 natural armor,+3 Dex, +1 dodge; Attack bite (1d6 +3 plus trip); Ability Scores Str 15 +2, Dex 16 + 3, Con 15 +2, Int 2, Wis 12 +1, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
HD 4 BAB: +3 Fort: +6(con) Ref: +7(dex) Will: +2(wis) Skills: 4 (Jump: 1, Track: 1, Survival: 1) Feats: 2 (Dodge, Mobility) Natural armor bonus: +2 Str/Dex bonus: +1 Bonus tricks: 2 Special: Link/share spells, evasion
Tricks known: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Seek, Track
Character Equipment
Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
MW Long Sword +1 19-20X2
Type range ammo damage
Martial melee none 1d6 s 1d8 m
Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
MW Long Bow +1 +2 strength dam. X3
Type Range Ammo Damage
Martial 100 ft arrows(40) 1d6 s 1d8 m
Trail rations 14 days
50' rope
Quiver for arrows 2 score cap.
Boots of elvinkind
Acid 2
Antitoxin 1
Potion Cure Light Wounds 6
Oil Obscuring Mist 1
Potion Endure Elements 1
Potion Invisibility 1
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds 5
Arrows +1 Animal Bane 6
Cold Iron Arrows 4
Silver Arrows 10
Trade CREDIT 80
Magic Mushrooms 2
Tatzlwyrm Poison Gas Sac 1
Jade statue of elf maiden (85gp)
Belt of mighty constitution +2
Character Storage
Gold: 911.9 Silver: 9
Experience: 23,001 of 34,000 for 8th
Game Master Notes*
Wolf Guardian Protects: The secrets dispensed by ICon are protected from prying eyes.
Last nag (warning): 29th Apr, 2016 - 4:40pm
* Protected by Guardian
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 10 (+0)
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Rapid Shot
Precise Shot
Shield Proficiency
Shot on the run
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Ranger abilities:
Combat style: Archery: 1st Rapid shot, 2nd Many shot
Wild Empathy
2 Favored Enemies: humanoid-gobliniod, humanoid-reptilian
1 Favored terrain: Forest
Hunters Bond
Woodland Stride
SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Climb*+8 = [Strength] 1+4+3
Diplomacy+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Handle Animal" +2 = [Charisma] 0+2+0
Heal+6 = [Wisdom] 2+1+3
K (Dungeoneering)" +9 = INT 0+6+3
K (Nature)" +10 = INT 0+7+3
Perception+10 = [Wisdom] 3+5+0+2 [half-elf]
Profession" +4 = [Wisdom] 3+1+0
Ride+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Sense Motive+4 = [Wisdom] 3+0+1
Stealth*+9 = [Dexterity] 1+4+3
Survival+16 = [Wisdom] 3+7+3+3
Swim*+7 = [Strength] 1+3+3
Use Magic Device" +0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
* Armor Check Penalty -3
" Trained Only