L7 Oracle, XP 24379 (next level 34,000)
Strength 8(-1)
Dexterity 12(+1)
Constitution 12(+1)
Intelligence 14(+2)
Wisdom 14(+2)
Charisma 19(+4)
Racial Abilities:
Small- +1 AC&attack, +4 stealth, -1 CMB&CMD
Illusion resistance/Keen Senses/Obsessive- +2 to saves on Illusion effects, and Perception and Craft (Alchemy) checks
Gnome Magic- +1 to DC of Illusion spells, bonus spells
Eternal Hope- +2 to saves vs fear, 1/day upon rolling a 1 on a d20, may reroll.
Fey Thoughts- Stealth and Use Magic Device are class skills
Low light vision- can see twice as far in dim light
Favored Class, Oracle: extra skill points chosen every level
Class Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Knowledge(All), Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device
Invested Skills: Craft(Alchemy) 7(14), Diplomacy 2(10), Fly 7(11), Heal 1(5), Knowledge Arcana 7(15), Knowledge(All others) 1(9), Linguistics 1(3), Perception 4(11), Ride 0(3), Sense Motive 1(6), Spellcraft 7(15), Stealth 1(9), Survival 1(2), Use Magic Device 3(10), ACP(-1)
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, Elven, Celestial, Draconic
Feats and other features:
-Craft Wondrous Item: Can create magical items of the Wondrous Item category
-Extra Revelation: can choose additional revelation
-Bardic Knowledge: Add half character level to knowledge checks.
-Awesome Display(Su): Illusion pattern spells treat affected creatures as if thier HD was reduced by an amount equal to Kresnik's Cha mod.
-Lure of the Heavens(Su): Leaves no tracks, can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or liquids
-Arcane Enlightenment(Su)[from bound spirit, can change daily]: Adds 2 Wizard/Sorcerer spells of L4 or below to spells known. Spells are treated as divine, and cast with Charisma.
-Mantle of Moonlight(Su): Immune to lycanthropy curse, also, 1/day, melee touch attack, force lycanthrope into human form, or force any other target to endure affects of Rage spell, no save. Lasts for character level in rounds.
-Inspire Courage(Su): Cha+ChL rounds/day, as standard action use oratory performance that grants allies in hearing range +1 to attacks, damage, and saves vs charm+fear
-Inspire Competence(Su): Cha+ChL rounds/day, +2 to specific skill checks of ally
-Natural Born Leader: +1 to leadership score, +1 to will saves for followers vs mind affecting
-Meticulous Magician: +2 to spellcraft checks
-Excitable: +2 to initiative
-Carefully Hidden (Via Adopted): +1 to Will Saves, +2 vs Divination effects
-Focused Mind: +2 to concentration checks
-Hedge Magician: When creating magic items, cost is reduced by 5%
-Meticulous (drawback): -2 penalty to untrained skill checks
UC Perks
-Additional traits: 2 bonus traits
-Economic Titan: adds "Prosperous" quality to Freehold
-Magical Entrepreneur: cost of earning magical capital reduced by 50%, as magister, can roll twice for kingdom magic items and choose result
(default spirit ability)
Monstrous Insight (Su): 3+Cha/day As standard action, can attempt Kskill check to identify creature with insight bonus equal to oracle level. Whether or not check successful, gain 1min +2 insight bonus to attack and AC vs creature.
Curse: Haunted
Drawback: retrieving items takes a standard action, dropped items fall ten feet away at random. Wierd poltergeist fluff effects.
Benefit: bonus spells