Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules - Page 15 of 15

My apologies, but I am temporarily closing - Page 15 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 2nd Mar, 2016 - 10:45pm

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Posts: 120 - Views: 7591
This is Dungeons & Dragons 5E. There is a generator available in the Character Sheet. All those interested should follow the Rules in the first Post of this Thread before creating their Character. All questions should also be placed here.
This RPG is CLOSED Game Master GM Stats
Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules Related Information to Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
Post Date: 17th Feb, 2016 - 8:22pm / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
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Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules - Page 15

Lord Mors = Warlord from Skreed's backstory
Heimat is his outpost/fort somewhere on the northern frontier.

While Skreed eventually had freedom to move about within the walls of Heimat, he was very seldom allowed to leave its walls (And never without an escort).

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Post Date: 28th Feb, 2016 - 9:28am / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
A Friend

Rules and Characters Create e Dragons and Dungeons Zudguards

Not much going on for quite a while now - is our game dead? Are some of our players going through a busy period?

Post Date: 28th Feb, 2016 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
A Friend

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules Archive Pathfinder / D&D

I don't know that I have much to role play during a return trip so I've [kind of] been waiting for that to resolve.

29th Feb, 2016 - 5:14pm / Post ID: #
Novice / Head
Character Sheet Lock
Not Not Approved ?

Page 15 Rules and Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons Zudguards

The Repentant Soldier says...

Same here, just kind of waiting on the travel to be resolved. Not sure if the game is dead or the GM and some of the players have been busy… I'm still here though.

Attached Image Edited: Aericsteele on 29th Feb, 2016 - 5:14pm

Post Date: 29th Feb, 2016 - 6:02pm / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
A Friend

Rules and Characters Create e Dragons and Dungeons Zudguards

Just letting you guys know. I'm still here just a little busy at the moment. Please just assume for to moment that Gradard is with you but he's just a little quiet.

Post Date: 2nd Mar, 2016 - 10:15am / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
A Friend

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules

No news from Zudguard? I hope this isn't the end of our game, I was quite enjoying it. But I also hope Zudguard is ok.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 2nd Mar, 2016 - 4:49pm / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules
A Friend

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules - Page 15

Thankfully we get emails when these threads are updated because I legitimately forget this game is happening when we go a few/several days without activity.

If, for whatever reason, this game ends (Or at any point)... I may be up for Dungeon Mastering a play by post campaign with you guys. I have a few ideas for campaigns but my normal group of players has a good amount of inertia in the published adventures.

Attached Image Edited: Skreed on 2nd Mar, 2016 - 5:02pm

2nd Mar, 2016 - 10:45pm / Post ID: #

Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 15

The Dice Master says...

My apologies, but I am temporarily closing this Role-playing Game based on this Post: Page 4. Any Player or onlooker that can be dedicated and timely in continuing it can state their interest in the Review Thread otherwise it will remain closed indefinitely and you can look for other Role-playing Games within the Community to join.

> TOPIC: Zudguard's Dungeons & Dragons 5e Create Characters & Rules


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