Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 5 of 12

Ok. rolled for homeland and got unusual homeland - Page 5 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th Dec, 2015 - 3:08pm

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Post Date: 25th Dec, 2015 - 4:25pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 5

Here is the three rolls I made when I first posted so you have them again.

Location on D100 (+0): 98 (1 rolls)
Parents on D100 (+0): 53 (1 rolls)
Siblings on D100 (+0): 22 (1 rolls)

And the extra d100 you asked for

Homeland + on D100 (+0): 63 (1 roll)

Reconcile Edited: KNtoran on 25th Dec, 2015 - 4:26pm

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26th Dec, 2015 - 2:53pm / Post ID: #
Mesmerist Cult Master ...
Novice / Center
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Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

Sixth Sister says...

Sorry for suddenly disappearing and not finishing my character.

After getting access to so many traits, we only pick two of them? And I take it we can't pick other ones?

I only included rolls for 6 siblings, but the extra d100s should take care of everything before step 2.

There's no Mesmerist option in step 2 if we'll even be using it to generate a background. Not even Occult Origins has a background generator for occult classes.

Solange Results:
  • Num of Siblings on D4 (+0): 2, 3 (2 rolls)
  • Sibling age on D100 (+0): 50, 54, 94, 61, 35, 63 (6 rolls)
  • Sibling gender on D100 (+0): 33, 23, 24, 28, 72, 31 (6 rolls)
  • 3d100 on D100 (+0): 54, 4, 13 (3 rolls)
  • Extra d100's on D100 (+0): 26, 13, 15, 73, 85, 33 (6 rolls)

Post Date: 27th Dec, 2015 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Standard is to only pick two in the book. Dungeon Master can let you have them all if you want but it makes for unbalanced game play but I think you guys would enjoy having all the traits personally. If you want, just look at the character generator section of [..] to mold your characters. I know your all tired of posting roll after roll. For the mesmerist use the sorcerer chart, it would make more sense for you and is the closest thing. When you all did your rolls with your post I'll set you up and we can get started. No reason for us to spend three weeks on character creation, right?

Any trait you unlock through your rolls you get, good or bad. I'll make sure to keep it organized enough so we don't lose them to much OK? wink.gif

29th Dec, 2015 - 7:29am / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Confused
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Page 5 Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

the raging madman says...

How much is our starting wealth? Average for class, max, rolled, or something else entirely?

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2015 - 9:43am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

Average for class. If you wish you can roll what it tells you to if you think you can get higher. You risk getting lower though.

29th Dec, 2015 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #
Mesmerist Cult Master ...
Novice / Center
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation

Sixth Sister says...

Solange the Sixth Sister

So I'm getting a good concept for my character, but will have to cheat a little. Just regarding the number of siblings and their ages. So far this is what I've rolled

Step 1
Frontier (Frontier-forged)
Siblings 5 (Kin Guardian)
4 younger female
1 older male
Middle-Class Birth (Artisan, Merchant)
Slave Parents (Life of Toil)
Bullied (Bullied)

For the class selection I decided to look at a few possibilities; Bard, Sorcerer, Witch and Wizard

Step 2
Dabbler (Worldly) or Failed Wizard (Reluctant Apprentice) or Forbidden Lore (Dangerously curious) or Fitting In (Shrouded Casting)
The Confidante (Trustworthy)

The sorcerer option, Failed Wizard, doesn't make much sense as there's no open magic schools and I'm from the frontier. Would I be able to choose between the other three? The most likely trait I'll take is Dangerously Curious, but Worldly is not bad too.

So the following character history flips the siblings, it has 4 older sisters and one younger brother (Which I thought I rolled without checking the book, then saw I was wrong). But when I saw the possibility of using the folklore of the seventh son of the seventh son, except with daughters, I had to use it. It makes it sound like the inquisition believes any folklore regarding magic and acts with extreme prejudice, or maybe its zealous members do. I hope you like it and if you find any plot holes or would suggest town names, just shout:

Fate is fickle yet devastating, kind yet cruel. In a magical world suppressed by might she will find a way to restore the balance.

Solange's story begins even before the birth of her parents. Her mother was Esylle and married to Alexi, an event that garnered unwanted attention. The Templars watched in suspicion as the seventh daughter and seventh son stood in union. They watched as they bore their first two children and they listened for any hint of suspicion. Then they had their chance with a claim against Alexi for using magic. The trial was swift and execution brutal.
With little opportunity in the city, Esylle was forced to work in a brothel. Solange's next 2 sisters were born to unknown fathers. Esylle's fifth daughter was deemed an abomination by doctors and the conjoined twin did not live long. The cost of raising so many children left Esylle with no spare coin.

Esylle didn't like to speak of Solange's father. Solange only found out that he was rich enough to tip her mother a large sum. For the first time in years Esylle could afford independence and a journey away from the city with her 4 surviving daughters and pregnant condition. The templars still knew she was a threat if she were to bear two more daughters.
Solange's birth didn't alleviate suspicion, though it didn't garner the attention it deserved either. She was the seventh; everyone had neglected to count her dead conjoined sister as a pair. Fate had her way but the real insult to the inquisition was the man who birthed her was also the seventh son of his noble house, his position leaving him above the law. The discreetness offered by the madam further blocked the information available to the inquisitors and to Esylle herself. Not even her own mother knew Solange's potential.

Life on the frontier was tough and after a few years of trying so hard on her own, Esylle had to lapse into her hated profession. She dragged her oldest daughters down with her, servicing the desperate and the lucky newly rich. It allowed the family to do well and eventually build up to horse wrangling and breeding.
It also made Esylle pregnant one last time. The event was attended by a doctor and templar from a more civilized place. But when her first son was born, the chain was broken. There was relief all around and suspicion was off the family, though that was the inquisition's mistake.

It isn't finished yet since it doesn't cover Solange's childhood. I think she will be an animal trainer and courtesan who also offers fortune-telling using her occult skills. I will roll for step 3 of character creation, but if you don't want to use it I can ignore the rolls.

Solange Results:
  • Conflict, subject 2d20 on D20 (+0): 13, 2 (2 rolls)
  • Motivation 1d10 on D10 (+0): 5 (1 rolls)
  • Romantic 1d20 on D20 (+0): 14 (1 rolls)
  • Drawback 1d100 on D100 (+0): 16 (1 rolls)
  • Extra d12 on D12 (+0): 6 (1 rolls)

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Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 3:06am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 5

Cool, so we need KNtoran, Malcom, and Ken to finish their character generation and we should be able to start. I'm working on a world map, I'm sorry been super busy but I'll have five day's off starting tomorrow so I'll post it onto the campaign page possibly Friday so you can understand more of the lay of the land.

I'd go with the dangerously curious as well personally. I also am working on getting this added to the first page but here is the link to do a propper random gen so I don't need to keep asking you to roll. Pathfinder Random Character Generation. Any other questions?

Reconcile Edited: Arthos on 30th Dec, 2015 - 3:30am

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 3:08pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 5

Ok. rolled for homeland and got unusual homeland then rolled and got forest and access to log roller. Only my father is alive and. have one sibling who is also. half elf giving me access to the kin bond.

For my Monk training. need to roll. d100 too

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> TOPIC: Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation


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