At the moment I think all the vampire needs to do is unleash the minions at us.
How long does a Caster have to wait, before using the spell slot again, perhaps with a different spell in it?
For your paladin slots, a long rest, Warlocks recover theirs after a short rest. You've just had the latter.
In spite of the outdated name, don't think of them as slots, something to fit a spell into. They're tokens/resources to be spent on a spell. Edited: daishain on 10th Dec, 2017 - 12:17pm
Once the Vampire appears Nikolaos will spend time concentrating on the plan we discussed earlier but for now thinning the herd seemed most important. He is about half way through his spell slots so he may be switching to cantrip use in the near future to save spells for the big bad and not dying.
Wow, I rolled two natural twenties on her attacks. This for two rounds, but still that was quite surprising to see on getting up. What do I roll for them becoming critical hits? Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Dec, 2017 - 4:00pm
Yeah we all seemed to have some very good rolls on our attacks this time. This will prove to be interesting.
Out of Character: How close is the castle to Cratol's home now? Edited: KNtoran on 10th Dec, 2017 - 4:43pm