Considering that I think Poljen may have just smashed down a big chunk of wall, I think Daishain would be gracious enough to say that if Poljen in fact smashed the wall, our Dungeon Master would allow you to move out of the fogged-in area. Poljen does go before you at any rate. And from what I can tell, you only take more damage if you END your turn in that freezing fog. That should help Lora and Taz a bit.
No matter what happens Anron, you don't roll a concentration check for every spell when you take damage. It applies to spells that have an ongoing effect and it specifically says concentration in the spell description. Spells that have an effect in one round only such as cure wounds have no concentration element to them. Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Dec, 2017 - 4:29am
Thank [..] for that, Taskans last save on a concentration check was abysmal. It least I know for future reference, cure wounds and even eldritch blast don't require any concentration to initiate. With EB not requiring a spell slot.
That being the case Loraries, Tazskan has his hit points now at 48, Bahamut must have heard his prayers. Lets hope Poljen has some good luck, in freeing us from this icy tomb?
It appears the fat lady hasn't spoken yet?
I’m trying to get Poppo and Lawrance off the ledge before any claw claw bite etc. Poppo has movement remaining last round and Lawrance has high initiative so feather fall should save them. Storm sphere is also hoped to do the last damage needed but here’s hoping. Don’t count us all down yet, and with the horde we can pay for resurrection for a couple of people if they want.
It doesn't look like haste is broken still, so Poljen and Zara are hopefully taking that into account.
Ignazio is not a blaster. He mostly has control and buffing spells. I could try to cast banishment, but I am guessing it's legendary resistance will laugh at that.
Nikolaos can cast faire fire but it would mean dropping Aura of Vitality. I personally think it would be worth it assuming Glazhail fails a saving throw. It is a gamble though and we would give up some healing.