Another Air elemental to power the castle. If thats, the collective boon for all of us, I'm fine with that.
That, including ressurecting Zarra, is a lot more than we could ask for.
As long as the elemental doesn't regard us as tyrants, that order her or him arround?
I also have a suspician that soon we will have another mission also.
Everything, should come at a price, and that's not just a rare diamond I'm referring to. It will require ALL of us to pull it off! Edited: anronrosby on 6th Jan, 2018 - 10:27pm
Air elemental capture is not really a thing any place is really known for, much less has a reputation for having better prices on it than anything else.
You suspect that Suzail has a mage or two capable of the feat, but that says nothing of how difficult it would be to convince them to undertake something like that. Planar travel is not a casual matter.
As to the question of the air elemental being commandeered by you guys, such creatures are neither truly sentient nor sapient. They're more like a motive force paired with elemental energy. Its more like enslaving a virus than a living creature. Edited: daishain on 7th Jan, 2018 - 12:26am
Yes, summoning isn’t what needs to be done to get an air elemental. You need to cross into the plane, take control of it, and march it back to where you want it. You don’t really talk to it, just put it in the tube and power the place.
I'm relieved that commanding an air elemental, is more like harnessing the power from a virus.
The flying castle, idea would make us more versatile, and efficient in reaching our goals.
As for our part to play in preventing a powerful evil dragon, goddess named Tiamat entering our realm, is unknown.
But I'm looking forward to finding out.
Tazskan definitely will volunteer for that.
Whatever, a mere mortal that is permitted to do? Edited: anronrosby on 7th Jan, 2018 - 2:13am
I am excited about the idea of having a flying castle. I do think we will have to recruit a garrison for it, but that can probably be afforded at the moment. Nikolaos's Inspiring Leader feat will come in handy when we have some mooks of our own to command.
Do we still have wyverns stabled in the courtyard and if we do what would be the possibility of training them to accept us as riders? I realize I could probably charm them into submission with Charm Monster, but it would be nice to not have to use a 4th level spell slot whenever Nikolaos wanted a joy ride.
About the house rule regarding a minor cantrip, would it be okay to be able to make musical instruments 3 times as loud the same way Thaurmaturgy makes a voice louder? I feel like it might help explain why his mentor Alcaeus saw his potential as a bard.
Yes, my thoughts exactly King, a garrison for the flying castle. Perhaps, I used the wrong wording, with the term mercenary?
I wonder if Wyverns can be tamed? And trained to accept a rider? Good question.
Cool! We probably need to be a little careful where we take them because they have a bad reputation, but having more options to come and go from the flying castle is a good thing.
Does this castle have a name and I just missed it or do we need to name it ourselves?