Couple of things:
-I was mistaken, the hypnotic pattern itself disappears after an initial burst instead of remaining for the entire duration of the spell. As such Cratol would be unaffected and got his strikes in. I've adjusted the HP totals of the enemy as appropriate already.
-He got a save, but when it makes a major difference in what happens, I generally roll for the characters rather than stopping mid turn to ask for a save. (I didn't roll for Perry for instance because whether he fell or not made no difference for what people did that last turn.)
-Had the first point not been the case, Cratol would've been enthralled until Perry dropped the spell. Perry dropped the spell about half a turn after Cratol ran in, so he would have had already recovered. Edited: daishain on 28th Feb, 2018 - 5:20am
So Taskan and Perry back up the top behind Poljen and Mari, great news!
Just, need to focus on neutralizing poison now.
Daishain, if someone holds action, does that permanently drop their order in Initiative? Because if that is the case, when holding, I would argue a character should be able to hold not just Action, but Movement as well. My understanding is that you Hold an Action, waiting for a prescribed trigger (Enemy coming into range/view, etc.) but you don't permanently change Initiative order. And you don't get to hold basic Movement…
There's readying your action, and then there's delaying your turn.
The former does not change your initiative, but requires you to declare a specific course of action and a specific stimulus to trigger it.
The latter does change your initiative, but allows you to take your full turn after waiting unlike the readied action.
Since Poljen would have had to look around for his target after the darkness lifted, I figured delaying the turn was more appropriate. Edited: daishain on 28th Feb, 2018 - 3:41pm
Daishain, just trying to weigh the risk/reward of chasing down the fleeing archer and getting further from the party. Is the enemy at AQ-62 one that Cratol or Velon have hit already? Would Velon know if that foe is damaged/injured in any way?
I'm assuming he was not adjacent to Velon for an AoO but maybe if I get close with Booming Blade this turn I can do some damage and, if he's still up, BB movement damage and an AoO next round (Which would also be Booming Blade because of Warcaster) might have a chance to take him down before he gets any further. That's my thinking, at least.
I promise to one day finally learn how to put my die rolls in correctly. The damage should come out to a total of 23 with those rolls.