Poor Perry. He is spending his whole turn just hanging off the bottom of the bridge. Those wings are definitely serving Perry well in this adventure so far.
Anron, I know you enjoy the dragonesque character of Taz. Don't forget about his dragonborn lightning breath. I'm not sure if I have ever seen you use it. Also, check out the hex spell. That really boosts up Eldritch blast. Not trying to tell you what to do. Just thought that you might want to know about a couple of powerful tools in your toolbox that you aren't using.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Mar, 2018 - 1:51pm
Initially I was going to do without the wings honestly and take the racial spells instead, because I didn't want to be "That guy" that abused at-will flight, but I thought it was just too useful to have as an emergency/utility option. Right now, I'm glad I chose the wings!
Still, in my opinion flying is usually a trap and just means you're easier to knock down, which we almost saw in this encounter. Unless you're 100% sure that you're fighting a 100% melee enemy or you can't do anything without it due to an airborn enemy, it's usually not worth it. Nevertheless, if it's going to save someone from dying, then it's definitely worth using.
I think that having at will flight is not a big deal since this is a high magic campaign and you joined at level 8. It's definitely useful but it's not going to make you "That guy" where we are in the story.
Speaking of being "That guy" I am sometimes guilty of it. If I start to overstep common decency just let me know and I will try to reign it back in.
Yes, one of the biggest changes in magic for 5e is the huge concentration spell detail. It makes magic more of a support role, leaving the caster unable to do much else while they have their spell going. Even when the spell range, once cast, is technically unlimited. You could put an extended protection on someone, and they could literally teleport anywhere on the world, and you are still keeping that spell going. Cross-plane I think is out, but still it means that you are like the remote control drone operator for that character's support spell, and can't do much else other than instant spells. It also makes magic less long term. The permanency stuff is easier, however, and doesn't cost you years of life to cast, just takes a year of dedication. :D.
Lia your right, I haven't used the first level Warlock spell Hex, yet. But will wait until I can actually see a target now.
Well, I guess this new character, hasn't seen the lightning breath yet. But I may need to wait for Varram to turn up?
However, if this snake encounter, does get out of hand might have to use it before that.
About 20' down. He can see the abomination he just attacked below him, but not the floor with the hatchlings.
More problematic is that he no longer has anything to push/pull off of, making movement difficult. Perry is flying around with a rope handy, which could solve that issue.