I actually thought I saw a post saying Perry drank a potion AND from the ewer. :D I'm not interested enough to go reading through the posts and see. One for Perry and one for Penelope?
Also, those poor Pookas, abandoned outside the lair of the dragon.
Morgaine did not drink the potion; for she did not need to because of her Necklace of Adaption. It lets her breathe normally even from dragon breathe.
Morgaine would like some of the Arrows previously mentioned, please. She will give the person the coins for them, or buy them herself.
Tazskan, did drink a potion of poison resistance. That's why he had also given Penelope, a shopping list of his own, including another potion.
He will seek out a room for the night, as the party will be there at least a day.
Anton, this party is leaving at midnight. Unless you intend to become a citizen of Waterdeep, you shouldn't bother getting a room.
Susan, the necklace gives you advantage on saves. A potion will reduce all damage by half. Both have some protection. Edited: Gknightbc on 28th Jun, 2018 - 4:52am
Song suggestions for equipment? Also yes, I understand 5th edition magic items aren't something you can as easily buy in stores but I think it wouldn't hurt for me to at least attempt finding an invisibility cloak or boots of elvenkind. An upgrade to Zarra's armor and weapons might still be on the table. Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jun, 2018 - 4:41am
Apologies for the sparse post but I'm limited on time. Penelope has netted you a 15% discount on items. Check the 5e sane magic item prices list for the base cost. That goes for Taz's crystal ball too.
One teleport circle scroll is available for purchase right away, any more will take a few weeks.
As for Perry's history roll, feel free to look up and use whatever tavern feels appropriate from the lore. It may be worth noting that the group stayed at the yawning portal last time they were here, they even exited via the famous well that inspired the name.
Updated item list with discounts for all the new stuff folks have mentioned, please mention what you are buying and deduct the gold accordingly.
Potion of Poison Resistance - 255 gold per
Cloak of the Manta Ray - 5100 gold
Ring of Swimming - 2550 gold
Arrows of Dragon Slaying - 510 gold per
Hat of Wizardry - 42.5 gold (Price based off of Xanathar's Guide to Everything + discount)
Scroll of Teleportation Circle - 1088 gold
Boots of Elvenkind - 2125 gold
Scholar's Pack - 34 gold
Anron, the Crystal Ball of Telepathy is a Legendary item unfortunately so we can't buy it. Thomas, the same goes for the Cloak of Invisibility sadly. Otherwise, I think I've listed everything people want that's purchasable. If anyone wants anything else in particular I can add to this list.
Perry will be buying an Arrow of Dragon Slaying and a replacement Potion of Poison Resistance as he doesn't have a lot of gold since the last shopping escapade.