Thats right Cinder, I'm also in no hurry to leave, a płace of advantage (In a flying castle). To go down to the ground, and engage the cultists.
Why not reduce their numbers and effectiveness, by bombardment from the air first?
If the Illusionist, doesn't realise wło’s side we arę on, after that then there will be a problem.
Rather, than sit on his backside in his room. He will also Man the ballistas, as its a two Man job.
Or he will help protest the ballistas from attack in the air. Using Magic missile, or other Magic eldritch blast etc. Edited: anronrosby on 3rd Sep, 2018 - 7:59am
Indeed Anron. Depending on how we do this Taz may finally get to use the ballista in battle.
So you have voice of the chain master, right? So you don't need to keep Amabalis within 100ft? If you do that implies we are flying circles around the tower and the maze already, in which case the pets and familiars aren't doing much for us. Luckily I don't think that's the case.
Your right Cinder as long as Tazskan familiar is on same plane of existance. The rangę is not restricted to 100 feet.
Therefore, I will amend the pseudodragon scouting patern to be within a safe practicable distance.
I have to agree, if I have a say. Doing as much as we can from the air will be the best and maybe take advantage of the weather..say if there was a storm nearby.... Could do an elemental. Just some thoughts I had.