Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!

Man Moon Yeah Right! - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 17th Nov, 2003 - 1:38am

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Did man really land on the moon?
Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! Related Information to Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
17th Nov, 2002 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!

Did man really make it to the moon or was it just a hoax? There is some strong evidence that says men never really landed on the moon, but that the whole event was staged in what is now known as AREA 52.

Two examples of this:

Is the supposed light hitting the moon lander and astronaut on the
dark side of the moon?

Or wind blowing the US flag - wind on the moon?

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18th Nov, 2002 - 3:24pm / Post ID: #

Right Yeah Moon the Man

This is a very controversial issue.  :o I saw a documental some time ago about it, it was really good. What it always made me suspect that the man never went to the moon are two big facts:

1) Why they never return there?

2) The photographs looked so 'professionally' made.

Post Date: 2nd Dec, 2002 - 11:48pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

As to the flag "flying" on the moon:  There was a wire attached to the flag to make it stand out straight.  I used to work for NASA and found out all kinds of things about the early space program.

4th Dec, 2002 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

Right Yeah Moon the Man

Russians agree that it was impossible to land a rocket on the moon. Technology of that day and maybe even of today render that man could not actually land in the moon. The famous Area 52 that many say has been the place of many UFO sightings is believed to really be the place where the whole moon landing was staged.

Here is a web site talking about some of the 'ifs':    

12th Dec, 2002 - 11:54pm / Post ID: #

Right Yeah Moon the Man

In a followup to this topic... CNN recently talked about how no body has been to the moon in over 30 years and that everyone seems to be focusing on Mars, which they say has water in the form of solid ice.

Check here for the article:

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2003 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!

I would really like to believe that astronauts actually did land on the moon.  I too watched a documentary, that tried to disprove that men actually did land on the moon.  If they didn't, it is a big disappointment to me.  But with the conspiracy theories running rampant, it does make one wonder if they staged the whole thing just to generate more interest and funding in the space program.  What lengths do people have to go thru to get people to really believe in something?

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16th Nov, 2003 - 10:13pm / Post ID: #

Man the Moon Yeah Right!

So what do you think Msslm? Did they land on the moon or not? I think the strangest thing is why haven't they been back yet?

Post Date: 17th Nov, 2003 - 1:38am / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man the Moon Yeah Right! Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

It does leave me to wondering if they did or not.  I would go so far as to say that they did land on the moon.  I also wonder why they haven't been back since that first time.  Surely they didn't collect enough samples of stuff from the moon to not go back to it.

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