Time Travel?

Time Travel - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 10th Feb, 2004 - 1:00am

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Poll: Do you believe it is possible to travel in time?
  Yes       62.34%
  No       37.66%
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Time Travel? Related Information to Time Travel?
Post Date: 20th Jan, 2004 - 1:11am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?

Humans seem to elaborate the ability or future ability to travel through time. Is it possible to travel through time? If so what would make it possible, bending of space, light or mass?

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Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2004 - 3:32am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Travel Time

I sorta think that time travel could be possible. But now without some sort of serious reprecussions. I can always remember that one episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy made a time machine and went back in time...when he returned, he was caught up in an infinite time loop. He would reappear and watch himself disappear again....and never ending cycle.

Post Date: 23rd Jan, 2004 - 4:38am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Time Travel? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

It's one of those things. We'll say we never will be able to now, but one day we will, and when we can, we'll say we shouldn't.

Post Date: 25th Jan, 2004 - 6:19am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Travel Time

I believe that time travel will some day exist,But if it were me I would only go to the past(the future does not excite me).Besides who can precict the terrain in the future?I would'nt want to be trapped inside of a newly formed mountain from the "last"earthquake.

26th Jan, 2004 - 4:52am / Post ID: #

Travel Time

Interesting responses, but no one said on what basis it could happen? Personally I do not believe time travel is possible, but I do believe a delay in time perspective is possible. An example of this may be an explosion of a star which happened months or years ago, but only now seen because of the 'delay' waiting on the speed of light to reach us.

Post Date: 2nd Feb, 2004 - 7:33am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Time Travel?

Well my time machine is made from a Delorean,but I cant get my hands on the plutonium that is necessary to generate the 1.21gigawatts of electricity. :sneaky:

Actually I would'nt even know how to begin a theory of 'how' it will be possible,but with the open mind that I have,I will just say where there is a will there is a way. B)

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Post Date: 3rd Feb, 2004 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Time Travel

Time travel, huh? So far it sounds pretty much impossible. At least not in the way we imagine, like someone entering a machine and going back of forward in time. For instance: you see a rock on the ground. After that you move the rock to another place. How could you go back to the time the rock was in the first place if it's not there anymore? This "time and space" where the rock was should somehow still exist so you could go there and get back, but it doesn't.

About going to the future, could we go to something that doesn't really happened yet?

Besides, time is something humans invented, it doesn't seem to be a "real" thing.

However no one actually knows what the future holds for us, and if we end up figuring out some kind of time travel that would be cool ;). However there would probably be severe consequences, like mssl said.

Post Date: 10th Feb, 2004 - 1:00am / Post ID: #

Time Travel?
A Friend

Time Travel Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

I don't really believe in time travel. Actually... I'm not very sure. Wasn't there something about if you go the speed of light, time stops or slows down... or something? I don't really remember where I heard that... If that were true though, wouldn't you be able to go faster than the speed of light and time might actually start going backwards? That thought always interested me. Other than that thought, I don't think it would be possible to time travel.

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