Albums Of The Dead?

Albums Dead - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 24th May, 2004 - 11:43pm

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Albums Of The Dead? Related Information to Albums Of The Dead?
Post Date: 19th May, 2004 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead?

In the film 'The Others' the old woman who acted as a servant for Nicole told her that some people who are deeply in love would often take pictures of the dead just before burial in a hope that they would be maintained forever. Do you believe in this? Is it true that the dead can somehow be caused to remain attached with the living in some kind of haunted way?

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20th May, 2004 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Dead The Albums

Is it true that the dead can somehow be caused to remain attached with the living in some kind of haunted way?

Hmmm yes, I believe so. I have seen ghost myself, so I know this is possible, my family in Argentina lived next to an abandon house for years and I personally heard lots of things going on there. I do believe somehow some spirits are attached to the living and it seems like they do not even realize that they are dead...I don't know what is the name of this phenomenon.

20th May, 2004 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead? Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

Although I am not sure how this fits in with my religious beliefs, I too have seen what I believe to be ghosts. I think they often are attached to a particular location not always to a person. For example they walk an old battle field or "haunt" the place they died.

Post Date: 21st May, 2004 - 3:22am / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead?
A Friend

Dead The Albums

I believe that things can have a spirit about them, whether it be of a person or something else, and I do believe that we can feel the presence of a person's spirit at times, whether it be a pleasant presence or a chilling presence.

Post Date: 21st May, 2004 - 4:10am / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead?
A Friend

Dead The Albums

When my dad was a teenager he had a best friend named Paul. They were best mates as long as he could remember. They had a competition to see who would be able to buy a car first. Well Paul won. As soon as he bought it he went to my grandmothers house(where my dad lived at the time) and was so exited he jumped out the car and without thinking, ran straight out in front of an oncoming vehicle. He was killed instantly. Over many years things would happen at my gm's house like cupboard doors slamming in the night and she even claims to have seen a ghost like figure in the hallway. My dad always believed, right up to his death last year, that it was Paul.

21st May, 2004 - 8:47am / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead?

Taking a picture of a dead person in the hopes they will stick to the earth instead of rising to heaven? Ewwww. That's just creepy.

In my opinion, of course.

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21st May, 2004 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Albums The Dead

The attachment of a spirit on the Earth must have some kind of logical explanation that I personally do not know of. I do separate the visitation of an angel for instance or another dead spirit to a spirit who repeats the same scene over and over and they are seen by others.

Post Date: 24th May, 2004 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

Albums Of The Dead?
A Friend

Albums The Dead Studies Dreams Mystics & Paranormal

I personally believe it's possible. I sortof think that it also has to do with the person that experiences it. Depending on whether they had some personal association with it, or just more sensitive to certain things. My grandmother died about 8 or 9 years ago, and my grandfather still keeps her clothes in the closet, her makup in the drawers, etc. His house has definately got some vibes going on. Asides from that, I've experienced some strange activity before (asides ufos). One has to do with an area nearby that kinda has a history with occultish/dark acitvity and one of my friends and I have seen some strange things/figures in certain areas. Also, I lived in Ohio for about 7 months in a place with many hauntings, including the house I was staying in, bad vibes there, had to move back down south.

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