Archival Oragor

Freehold, Capital Of Kamelarn

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PBP Character Created:
27th May, 2015 - 7:48pm

Last Updated:
16th Mar, 2017 - 6:21pm

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Character ID: 67

Character's Game Master:

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Character Avatar

Familiar / SideKick
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Symbol / Sign:
Character Name:
Archival Oragor

Character Title:
The Noble

Character Class:
Master Summoner 6

Character Status:


Character Alignment:
Lawful Neutral

Marching Position:

Rival: ?

The Foe of Archival Oragor
Guardian: ?

The Dragon Keeps

Character Body
Base Theme / Style
Character Combat Info
AC 14 (Touch 10 (14 vs incorporeal), Flat 14) (Mage Armor on 18 hours per day, when not 11/10/11). HP 33. Init +2. F +2, R +2, W +5. BAB +4, Melee +3, Ranged +4. CMB +3, CMD 13.
Character Description
6'1" 185 lbs. Gray eyes and platinum hair.
Quick with a smile (and to react), Archival also occasionally finds himself in a dour mood as he remembers all that he's lost. He is devoted to helping others and does what is good without bias for or against order. He is a natural-born leader and uses his ability well with his summons. An outstanding diplomat, Archival is capable of getting along with anyone and can easily convince them to see things his way. When Caelum is summoned the True Wind rune appears upon Archival's brow (True Wind Rune from Suikoden).

4'0", 1 lb., Pale Blue Eyes, Pale Gray Hair. Solid form with wind trails.
Character History
I am not exactly sure where I was born. My family, what I remember of them, was always on the move. I do remember being well taken care of. They were kind, but demanded and received respect from everyone around them. We looked different from them. We were taller and more muscular, where they were short and sleek. Still young, I did not realize that some of the looks we received were those of envy and maliciousness. My parents and twin siblings, a boy and a girl, were murdered when I was 4. I was spirited away by a kind but firm man that burned the assassins like tinder.

Most of my youth I have spent in the Hills of Nomen being raised by the man whom always just had me refer to him as Uncle. We had a nice villa, all of my needs were cared for save one the need for interaction. Yes, I had tutors, but it was not the same. They would enter, teach me my numbers or letters as well as drill me in basic combat, but they would never actually speak with me. As time passed I learned to charm them into smiling and sharing a few words, but those moments were always fleeting. Except for with my statecraft tutor. Sylvie would stay after the lessons and discuss the world with me. While not allowed to leave for my own safety, I found I was able to live through her tales. She would often speak of the goddess Sarenrae, but even the more mundane discussions of current events in her home town were entertaining.

One day Uncle failed to return from one of his business trips. Over time, my tutors stopped showing up too until eventually I was alone again in the villa. After several months of loneliness, I felt a gentle breeze of air on my skin. As I looked up, a small, majestic creature stared back at me. Unlike most elementals of its nature, this air elemental kept me company and seemed content to remain by my side. All I had to do was concentrate on picturing its face and it would appear. For the next two months I waited with Caelum by my side, sharing in companionship, for my Uncle to return. He did not though, but a letter did arrive to inform me that I had lost another parent in my life. His convoy had been attacked by marauding centaur and no one had found survivors.

In a fit of rage I gathered what belongings I deemed essential and acquired armor and a weapon from storage. I outfitted my favorite horse, Midnight, and rode off with Caelum; my blood burning. Sensing my desire for justice, Caelum quickly found centaur tracks after a days journey. The path was well travelled and I hid Midnight before finding defensible position among some boulders. As I sat, Caelum began questioning me on how just my actions were. He was right, I knew it deep down, but in my youthful ignorance I clung to my weak argument.

I heard soft clatter in the distance and readied my crossbow, but doubt started to creep into my mind. I realized I had little time to choose a course of action. What was I doing? Would killing random member of race responsible for the death of my loved one assuage my grief? No. This was stupid; stupid and wrong. I lowered my crossbow and began to weep, my grief overwhelming me. A soft, familiar voice called out my name. Recognizing the voice as Sylvie's, I wiped my eyes and came out hiding spot, my shame evident on my face. I'm sorry Archival. I have been away on church business and just returned when I learned of... She trailed off and we stared in mutual shock at the arrow that had sprouted from her chest, a scarlet stain offending her immaculate tunic. She collapsed from her saddle and more arrows began to clatter off of the rocks beside me.

I turned and roared my anguish and rage. With hound's maw, eagle's talon, and viper's venom I harried my enemies. The three centaurs were quickly overwhelmed. The lone survivor, kneeling in a pool of blood, threw his weapon to the ground and begged for mercy. I approached him and sunk my kunai in his heart. With spasm and gasp he died. Overcome with emotion, I stumbled back to Sylvie's body and cradled her head in my lap. I released a roar of anguish that became torrent of tears as I wept even more bitterly than before.

After I had spent all of my tears, I numbly rose and dug grave for the woman I had just come to realize I deeply cared for. Caelum returned after it was over, bringing Midnight with him. When Caelum asked where we were going, I replied, We ride to the West, to Restov, to begin our lives anew.

***You needn't worry about spending time tracking rooms and teams. I've already done the math and have a calendar. I'm just ticking the income off based on time that passes in the game. I doubt I will hire any additional teams for now though. I only did it for RP purposes, but don't want my money spent to not produce a return.***
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Resistance. DC 15. Infinite casts
Level 1: Grease (conj), Mage Armor, Rejuvenate Eidolon (Lesser), Shield. DC 16/17conj. 6 casts
Level 2: Glitterdust, Invisibility, Phantom Steed, See Invisibility. 4 casts
Summon Monster SLA 10/day.
Character Notes*
Dragon Guardian Shields: The inner thougts of Archival Oragor are protected.

* Protected by Guardian
Deity / Allegiance / Cult
Familiar / Side Kick / Craft
Caelum - Small Bipedal Air Elemental Eidolon
Character Equipment
Archival: Light Crossbow, Padded Armor, Belt Pouch (contains 0 pp, 7 gp, 6 sp, and 6 cp), Signet Ring, Potion Belt, Kunai, Spell Component Pouch, Waterskin, 5 1 pt. flasks filled with Oil, 2 Tindertwigs, 2 Sunrods, and Ring of Swimming. Crate of books worth 55 gp. 2 journals, 3 inkpens, 0 ink vial.

Caelum: Moneybelt (hidden on Caelum, contains 40 pp, 58 gp, 10 sp, 0cp, and 150 gp of red rhodochrosite gems) (The Pick Pocket check DC to take something from money belt is +5 higher than normal), Charter.

Lots of rations.
Character Storage
Archival: Midnight (Heavy, Combat Trained Horse), Masterwork Backpack, Waterproof Bag, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Cold-Weather Outfit, Traveler's Outfit, Noble's Outfit, Random Jewelry (worth 100 gp), Soap, Tent, Military Saddle, Saddlebags, Hide Shirt Barding, Feed (4 days), Wound Paste (4 doses remaining).

Caelum: Courtier's Outfit, Random Jewelry (worth 50 gp), Cold-Weather Outfit, and an Artisan's Outfit.

All items are kept in the backpack or saddlebags.

Good stock of food, drink, and arrows.

Lyre of Building
Game Master Notes*
Dragon Guardian Protects: The secrets dispensed by ICon are protected from prying eyes.

Last nag (warning): 22nd Jan, 2017 - 11:15am

* Protected by Guardian
Character Item Location
Available Gems ?

No Gem Activated. This means your Character does not have the possible 'edge' over other Characters. Activate a Gem to get the advantage.
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
Archival Oragor
17 years old, 6'1", 185 lbs., Gray Eyes, Platinum Hair
NG Medium Humanoid (human - Ulfen)
Init +2; Senses: normal vision; Perception +2

AC 14, Touch 10, Flat-footed 14 (+4 Mage Armor), 11/10/11 (+1 armor, when Mage Armor is not up)
HP 33 (1d8+0 @1, 1/2(1d8)+0+1 @all levels after)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5

Speed 30 ft.
Light Crossbow: +4 Attack, 1d8 (19-20x2), Range 80 ft., 20 bolts, Piercing
Kunai: +3 Attack Melee/+4 Ranged, 1d4-1 (x2), Range 10 ft. Bludgeoning or Piercing

Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 21
Base Attack +4; Melee +3; Ranged +4; CMB +3; CMD 13.
Feats: Summon Good Monster, Spell Focus - Conjuration, Craft Wondrous Item, Nation Builder
Bluff +5 = 5 (Ab Mod)
Climb -1 = -1 (Ab Mod)
Diplomacy +16 = 5 (Ab Mod) + 6 (Rank) + 2 (Trait) + 3 (CS Mod)
Disguise +5 = 5 (Ab Mod)
Intimidate +5 = 5 (Ab Mod)
Knowledge: Arcana +9 = 6 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Knowledge: Nobility +5 = 2 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Linguistics +7 = 4 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Perception +2 = 2 (Feat)
Perform +5 = 5 (Ab Mod)
Spellcraft +9 = 6 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Stealth +2 = 2 (Feat)
Survival +2 = 2 (Feat)
Swim -1 = -1 (Ab Mod)
Languages: Common (Taldane), Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan, Terran, Skald
Lesser Eidolon
Life Link
Summoning Mastery - Summon Monster (SLA) 5+Cha/day
Augment Summoning - Summons gain +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constutition.
Maker's Call - Standard Action, call eidolon to my side. Functions as Dimension Door, using my caster level. Use 1/day at 6th, plus 1 use for every four levels beyond 6th.
Reactionary (Combat Trait) - +2 trait bonus to Initiative.
Natural-Born Leader (Social Trait) - +1 trait bonus to Leadership Score, Summons/Followers/Cohorts get +1 morale bonus to Will saves.
Rich Parents (Equipment Trait, GM Ruled) - Starting money +900 gp.
Illuminator (Religion Trait) - +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Diplomacy is class skill.
Paranoid (Drawback) - I don' like to be made to feel incompetent and people must make a DC 15 check to aid me instead of a DC 10.

4'0", 1 lb., Pale Blue Eyes, Pale Gray Hair. Solid form with wind trails.
NG Small Bipedal Air Elemental Eidolon
Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 60'; Perception +17

AC 17, Touch 13, Flat 15 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +4 natural)
HP 28 (1d10+2 @ 1, 1/2(1d10)+2+1 @all levels after)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4; Immune to Paralysis, Sleep, and Electricity

Speed 30 ft.
Claw/Claw: +7/+7, 1d3+3 (x2), Bludgeoning or Slashing
Slam: +7, 1d6+3 (x2), Bludgeoning

Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Attack +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Melee +7, Ranged +6
Feats: Skill Focus - Perception, Skill Focus - Sense Motive
Evolutions (3 pt.): Skilled - Perception - +8 racial bonus to Perception checks. Skilled - Sense Motive - +8 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks. Skilled - Disable Device - +8 racial bonus to Disable Device checks.
Craft (Armor) +2 = - 2 (Ab Mod) + 1 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Disable Device +14 = 2 (Ab Mod) +1 (Rank) + 8 (Racial Evolution) + 3 (CS Mod)
Perception +17 = 4 (Rank) + 3 (Skill Focus) + 8 (Racial Evolution) + 3 (CS Mod)
Sense Motive +17 = 3 (Rank) + 3 (Skill Focus) + 8 (Racial Evolution) + 3 (CS Mod)
Stealth +12 = 2 (Ab Mod) + 3 (Rank) + 4 (Eidolon Size) + 3 (CS Mod)
Survival +4 = 1 (Rank) + 3 (CS Mod)
Languages: Common, Auran
Darkvision (60')
Link (Telepathy, no range limit, free action, same plane)
Share Spells

N Large animal
Init +2, Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +2 Natural, -1 size, +3 armor)
HP: 19 (2d8+10)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 50 ft. (35 ft. with barding)
Melee bite +5 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +5 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft; Reach 5 ft
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats: Endurance, Run
Skills: Perception +8
SQ Combat Trained
Hide Shirt Barding



The PvP Elitist











Art of War


Lover or Fighter?

The ROK II Player to Player interface allows your Character to make secret meetings with other Characters to create alliances or establish secret relationships. The option to reward each other in certain areas is offered: Devious, Sensual, Romantic, Friendship, Chivalry and the Art of War.


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